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Thai Sport - Takraw and Sepak takraw


Takraw is a kind of Thai game. It is typically Thai. It’s very easy to play because the rules are very simple.

Players are not allowed to touch the ball with their hands.

They stand in circle. They have to keep the ball in the air by bouncing it off the head, feet, knees, shoulders, chests or chins.

They score by hitting or kicking the ball into the basket hanging above their head.

The harder players hit the ball into the basket, the better scores they get.

Players can use almost all parts of the body to hit the ball, but some parts of the body are difficult to manipulate. For example, if players hit the ball with their head, they will gain better scores than kicking.

sepak takraw

There is another popular kind of game. It is called sepak takraw. There are two sides. They play against each other like playing volleyball. Player can use knees, feet, elbows, shoulders, heels, heads, almost all parts of the body to make the ball fall on the other side and the player on that side cannot get it. This is the way they earn scores.

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